

You've heard me say it before and I'll say it again. We're #adult enough to know that it's not healthy or fun to lose sight of our wellness goals when we go away on vacation. Being hungover, exhausted, bloated and being off schedule ain't fun. Why would we put ourselves through feeling like crap during a time meant for rest, relaxation and rejuvenation? In this age of wellness and travel (basically Instagram's M.O.) there are so many tools available to stay on track while we're away from home. I'm sharing a few of my favorites tips and tricks. Check it out.


Well, Fall has suddenly moved in, and Vata season is in full force—colds, sore throats, and the flu begin to lurk in the air around us. So fun right? As we transition seasons, we shift from a Pitta (fire)-dominated summer to a Vata (air)-dominated autumn. In the fall, the air element is prominent. While our bodies have accumulated plenty of heat in our tissues through the summer months, fall forces the leaves to change color and the wind to brush our face. As a result, Vata takes the stage, which is often marked by change, instability, and anxiety---often throwing us off balance and out of our element.


What are adaptogens you might ask?

Concepts surrounding adaptogens are rather new to the modern Western wellness guru, but is fundamental to Ayurveda. While adaptogens have been used by herbalists for thousands of years, you are probably hearing more and more about the remedies behind these naturopathic herbs, or “healing plants,” as you dive deeper into the world of wellness.